Monday, December 17, 2012

My Blogging Experience

Eventually, this is the first time for me to start blogging. I did created a blog account and i was always idle.When i was high school,i used to hear that some of my guys friends discussed about blogging. I wasn't that active involving with their works. After sometimes some of my friends also asked me to join in their Burmese social network.I used to go there not more than three times if i am too much requested.Otherwise, i usually forgot about it.

Yes,this blogging is forced to do by Professor Faheem Hussain. The course New Media is assigned to do one blog's works by every individual student.Therefore, here i have done some works on the blog.

To be honest, i am not satisfied with my works i have done so far and this really motivates me to continue writing on Blog and i would even toward sharing my professional learning about Education in Burma in future.And any other thoughts for the improvement of Burma will be sharing with the world too.I hope this very experience really helps me to work on the web space more.Even though sometimes tools are complicated to understand and the obstacles on the way,i feel liking it so much.I also got so much frustration for that twitter update is error often. The linking between the blog and other pages such as picassa, facebook and so forth are all difficult.

Moreover, i was in doubt that somebody is using my blog page from somewhere because that in a particular line is highlighted. For that i am pretty sure that i did not do. One additional problem is that after uploading a few posts, the viewers are mostly from Russia. That clearly also suggest me, the Burmese spy are checking on webpages for any issues regarding with Burma. It is somehow confusing. I wanna work for something worth but i do not want my aim blur.

I understand that the blog should be more professional and more effective sources and i am hopefully continued working on it.

The fun part of working on blog is about Video recording and uploading on Youtube webpage then link on my blog.I am so happy about it and i know that these sources would help me to be analyzing again and again when thinking the improvement of Education in Burma.

Finally, i really thank you Professor Faheem Hussain and our course TA Miss Helen Moser for suggestions and encouragements to be done with this blog's works at this point.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Due to Demands Education Policy Should be Changed.

The Students taking Entrance Exam for foundation Course at MEF 
Since i came out of one of the Border Schools named Minmahaw Education Foundation, i am always aware of what is going on with my formal school.This is always a pride with me that the policy at this foundation is changed accordingly .As i already mentioned that the school was purposely to be for the children of political activists from Burma but later after for the demand of students on the border area, the school policy has been changed for all.The students are required to pass a few step to be selected for the program (General Education Development).Now the school MEF also extended to have another foundation program to have more skills on Basic English such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. This program is really effective for any general students.The students on the border are opened by the higher opportunities by attending this particular school. I personally am very happy that all students are allowed to attend that school and have a chance to join the international university.While the Burmese government is not providing a better education, there is some opportunities which are struggled to receive by the people, themselves.

       According to the interviews with students from MEF, i am also pleased that they are from different family background and ethnicity. They are all so happy for receiving the opportunity as i valued the same way. Many of the interviewees from my junior, and junior-junior group are so valued of their education. They understand so well the important of education.Toward the development of Burma, the generation have to be educated.There are so many complex problems with our country. All the solutions are in our hand. It is necessary how the world solved their problems and the Education  is going to offer the techniques to approach solving our own problems.The changes of policy helps for the generation in equal chances and opportunities.Before, the policy was not good for all. Now everybody who is interested  to get a better education are allowed to take entrance exams.

      Yes, the process of getting the better education is somewhat challenging. Those students are fully supported by the school which does not have strong finance. The finance are mostly received by the volunteer donors. The donors are mostly Burmese immigrants in the west and east. Sometimes, the foreigners who are  closed to the Burmese border Education will contribute a little. As the financial budget is very much tight, every year the MEF program is chosen about 70 students per programs.The application was interestingly held with around about 500-1000 students on the border. Even though it is offered for the students on the border of Thailand and Burma, whoever is interested in this program from inside are also welcomed to take a chance.Therefore, the program did happened with the audience of both from Burma and Thailand.

    Based on the founder and the staffs from my formal school, the policy is easily be changed because to fulfill the demand was necessary and the school is focusing for all good. Especially the program is nurturing the better hope for future Burma.If the new Burmese generation are educated that the hope for Burma is still active.I personally think that the educational policy changes in this school is an example that whoever is working on Education in Burma.We need the change about Education in Burma.The requirement is to be improvement for our Generation Education. First of all, while the people are providing FREE EDUCATION, why not the Burmese government also should support for its people. This is really a necessary in our own community. This should be the first and foremost taking action for Burma's future. This is the basic right for all people in Burma.