The Voice of Education in Asia and comparison to Burmese Education

This page will be providing the voices of International Students abroad in the first place and later it would expand as many students as possible to participate raising their voices regarding with Education in Burma, i believe this will help achieving the nation, Burma to improve its formal education sector.

An Interview with one of the Vietnamese students at AUW

<The Purpose of taking interviews will help me to compare and contract between other Asian countries' education and my own country, Burma.From this comparison i would find the similarity and differences.From this judgement,hopefully the Burmese Education system will be forwarding to it's improvement.Change to the nation's education system and learning processes is basic change for the generation to generation.

An Interview with one of the Parkistani students at AUW

From this observation about Education in Asia. I believe that this would help me to understand about my own country Education which is Education in Burma. Some of the similarities found are need to be modified and some of them are needed to be adjust for the better Education of Burma. Personally looking forward for future Burmese Education improvement.

An Interview with One of the Bangladeshi students at AUW

From learning interviews with other students from Asia, it helps a lot for me to understand about Education in my own country, Burma. I want to explore more about how to improve Education in Burma.

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