Thursday, September 27, 2012

High School Level of Education in Burma


Real Taste and Excitement of Education

      The Burmese High school level must be the most exciting transition from the primary level to its higher level of study for any student in Burma. Students from Burma are happy to be at the very begining of the high school level though the school fees for our parents become higher. Sometimes the school expenses are much very tight  for the struggling Buirmese parents.
       Apart from those of difficulty for the parents regarding with the high school fees, another interesting thing again is that since the school children in Burma attend at the primary school nearby their home, when there is a term for high school study there is no other choice. And the students have to join the limited high schools based on the respective township. In my home city, Aung Lan, there are only two high schools where we could fulfill our high school level and the rest of the schools are primary and pre-high schools level.
Photo taken from here

             The apperance of the high school are usually much more beautiful as well as biger than the primary schools and others. It also usually have a larger campus. Of course, there will be more teachers and more activities provided. Not only the accesses are variety at the high schools but also we ourself notice that this transition pioints out that we grow up. I think that is why this stage  is the most exciting level of schooling for the Burmese students.

         On the other hand, the students have to be becoming so serious about study and schooling becasue everything is started to count from this level of high school. Competation about study and other social stuffs between the students become much higer too. Even in my age of high school level that i did have to do extra classes which is called tutions. The extra classes are mostly taught by the teacher from public schools and it is somewhat necessary for the Burmese students to take the extra classes. These are paid by the students.   The teacher taught the lessons more emphasised at the extra classes. The public school's finishing time usually is 4 : 00 pm so that the extra clases are held in the late evening or in the next early morning.

        The levels of high school are named as five standards to the 10 standard. The five to eight standard use  similar crriculum for subjects such as Myanmar, English, Mathematics, Arts and Sciences. There curriculum provides the wider range of knowlege of this subjects areas. These five, six, seven, eight standards are less stressed study level comparing with the higest peek of Burmese study level like nine and ten standards for the Burmese students.

         When the Burmese students reach to the level of nine standards that they have to be worry and comfused that what area should they do for their further study. From nine standard, the students in Burma are divided to the field of Arts or Science study. That means the students who are doing arts will read arts subjects only  and the science will read science lessons only.  Based on the students making choice in their nine standard level, they have to continue their 10 standard which is called `Matriculartion exam ( the most important regional exam ) as well as their univeristy level.

Photo taken by education 1

Here, I would like to share my own experiences of nine and ten standard. I was not that studious student when i was even in high school level. I went to school because it was supposed to be the place where all my friends and myself should be according to my family and society's belief.  I didn't value any of my study till i completed my eight standards.

         It was nine standard which shaken me to be more concerntraded on my study before that time i was just enjoying my daily life and playing around with childhood friends. From the very begining of my class nine i have very much trouble deciding which study i want to do. Lately i decided to do art subjects and i took the course which is  enclosed subjects such as  Myanmar, English, Mathematics, History, Geography and Economic. Therefore i had never learned any of Chemistry, Physics and Biology untile i went to the university in Burma. That is actually the problem for almost a hundred students in Burma to whom i made interviewed last year because almost all of them are forced to make their further study decision, other outside influences and rumors about art students and so forth.Nonetheless, it was a great chance for me that i made a strong decision myself that i really wanted to be an art student. Due to my family's concept that I was so much free to make that decision. Nobody forced me what to do with my education.  May  be,  becasue of getting freedom  from home for making choices regarding with my education and the supports from my family that i could confidently study when i was nine standards and i studied much harder.  

         Yes, it was 2002 when i was in my ten standards and i had to prepare  for my biggest exam ( Matriculation Exam). This exam is the most challenging for any high school students that if they can not pass it, they are not allowed to attend any university in Burma. I was ever so concrened about my ten standards. During the Summer before i attend my ten standards, I memorized all poems in English text books, all the definitation of Myanmar literature from the Myanmar text books  and a few other possible  preperation. I also took extra classes ( paid tutions) for all subjects. It was the most busy study life for me ever. I memorized all subject throughout the year. I was almost ready to take matriculation exam when the time came but was still studying much harder. My parents always solded me to sleep early and take rest or join with them for outings. I usually refused that i wanted to finish up my particular study. It was the most favorite time in my stydy life that i tried and i achieved. I also felt while taking exams, once i said my mom that "I am going to pass". I was just so much confident  while the rest of my friends were so much worry about the exam. As i mentioned that this matriculation so very much challenging, many students in my country do not pass easily. It was about sixty students in my class ten and only about ten students passed. I was one of them and was so happy and began to value my education at the very last.

         After all, i would like to discuss so many things about igh schools study  but currrently it would be very ramdomly explinaion  on this blog since i do not do the real research over the needy of high schools and particular topic about high school in Burma. Hopefully, this page is giving you a few ideas about the Burmese high school study life, experiences, and thoughts. The blog representation is totally based on my own thoughts and experiences.

You will find similar content regarding Education in Burma here. I also cooperate with another information which is found under UNESCO report in Burma, here.

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